Thursday, August 27, 2009

I arrived at TD Tower today at 8:30am and after a short ride up the elevator I was sitting at my desk waiting for my computer to load up. I had some time to check my emails, I had only a few, and they were notifying me of upcoming meetings. By 9:00am I was in the test lab and starting my day's testing of the latest version of TD Bank Financial Group's C3 software. This software is used by financial advisors to aid customers with financial decisions and creating accounts. I began this day testing the create account portion of the C3 program in the French language looking for errors.

By lunch time, I had gone through 24 scripts testing that portion of C3 and had submitted 8 defect reports. These defect reports outlined problems that I found in the program based on the scripts I was following. The errors I found included a case where French and Spanish characters were not accepted in the description of account entry field, and also I was able to find a spelling mistake on one of the pages within the C3 program. After lunch I continued to test the same portion of C3, this time I found a fewer errors. I went through 31 more scripts and only found small errors within the scripts I was following.

5:00pm soon rolled around, time for me to head home. I’m excited to see what I discover in the C3 program for tomorrow. This internship has allowed me to better understand the time and effort it takes to commercialize a product such as C3 and the amount of programming that goes into such a product.

Brendan Santyr
Hometown: London, ON